So i finally am making my way up to BC, Canada in pictures.
Today we have been here exactly two weeks.
We are planning on leaving tomorrow morning.
The last two weeks have just flown by.
It's hard to believe the time has come already to leave and say goodbye.
We already look forward to next time.
But before i get ahead of myself,
Here you go...
(From Wednesday-Sunday the first week)

(M & J's house)
(M & J's house)
(Supper at Tim & Whitney's the second night in BC!)
(Tim and Whitney's)
(Fun at the park with Madi!)
Loving this special time with big sis!
Madison & Joel
(We love when we ride all together as a family)
(fun Saturday playing at the park with friends at
the fellowship)
Supper at Gord and Robbie Holloway's!
(The two mothers)
(The reception for friends and family in BC on Sunday)
(All the kids loved the candy table!)
(Me and Timmy Penner)
Laurel and Timmy Penner - I love these two very much!
(Lots of new friends!)
(Quiet evening at our second home)