Saturday, June 23, 2012

And how should I start?
The trip to altogether amazing, awesome, wonderful, God-filled, and memorable.
I just can't get over it.
(and pray I never do)
So thankful that I got to go, and already can hardly wait to go back.
We did so much. It might take some time to write all the memories.
I will try to write what we did every day and share plenty of pictures.
Thank you for all your prayers.
I have been so so blessed!

God is good-all the time
All the time-God is good
and that is His nature, WOW.

I am going to be writing about the Uganda trip mostly over at my other blog.
(Sorry that there is not much there yet, but I will try my best.
Also pictures are soon to come, so stay tuned!)
Feel free to become a member and follow my travels wherever the Lord takes me!
It is:

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Wow. So I realize that I have not written or posted anything for a very long time.
Its been really crazy lately, but the Lord has been doing some amazing things in and through my life.
He is such a good Father! I am so thankful that I can trust Him with every part of life.
Tomorrow afternoon I, along with some others in my family (and team), are headed to Uganda, Africa.
It is amazing how it all worked out for us to get to go.
So we would really appreciate as many prayers as we can get.
I want to be a willing vessel for Him to use in whatever ways that please Him.
This is not about me. It about sharing Jesus with those in darkness.
So won't you join me in drawing others into the Kingdom through prayer?

Also I have another blog that is for updating you on our trip to Uganda.
I am hoping to include pictures and testimonies as soon as i have the opportunity.
Feel free to drop by.