And how should I start?
The trip to altogether amazing, awesome, wonderful, God-filled, and memorable.
I just can't get over it.
(and pray I never do)
So thankful that I got to go, and already can hardly wait to go back.
We did so much. It might take some time to write all the memories.
I will try to write what we did every day and share plenty of pictures.
Thank you for all your prayers.
I have been so so blessed!
God is good-all the time
All the time-God is good
and that is His nature, WOW.
I am going to be writing about the Uganda trip mostly over at my other blog.
(Sorry that there is not much there yet, but I will try my best.
Also pictures are soon to come, so stay tuned!)
Feel free to become a member and follow my travels wherever the Lord takes me!
It is:
I am going to be writing about the Uganda trip mostly over at my other blog.
(Sorry that there is not much there yet, but I will try my best.
Also pictures are soon to come, so stay tuned!)
Feel free to become a member and follow my travels wherever the Lord takes me!
It is: