Thursday, June 7, 2012


Wow. So I realize that I have not written or posted anything for a very long time.
Its been really crazy lately, but the Lord has been doing some amazing things in and through my life.
He is such a good Father! I am so thankful that I can trust Him with every part of life.
Tomorrow afternoon I, along with some others in my family (and team), are headed to Uganda, Africa.
It is amazing how it all worked out for us to get to go.
So we would really appreciate as many prayers as we can get.
I want to be a willing vessel for Him to use in whatever ways that please Him.
This is not about me. It about sharing Jesus with those in darkness.
So won't you join me in drawing others into the Kingdom through prayer?

Also I have another blog that is for updating you on our trip to Uganda.
I am hoping to include pictures and testimonies as soon as i have the opportunity.
Feel free to drop by.


  1. Praying for you and yours, as you enter this new adventure of serving HIM. We are looking forward to the updates!!! Love, Dina

  2. Emily, I see Jesus shine through you! You are a breath of fresh air. The dark is getting darker as this world is getting closer to the end. People are becoming deprived of all that's good and it's so sad yet when I see some lights twinkling the light of Jesus enough to keep one from getting lost in the night then it's like a breath of fresh air in the midst of a raging sea! You inspire me that Jesus is still working in his people. May he bless you sis as you depend on him and his righteousness molding in you and as you keep humble and trusting as a child!

    I love you and never ever settle for less! Jesus went through too much pain that we would just settle for sips of him and his transforming power, He desires to give us his vast sea(the water of life).

    Because of Him,
    Your sis and friend ~Jessica
